In our  cue production process we must ensure that each process will be in a highest standard to ensured the quality
of all Mastercue. Start from the finding the finest material available on the right place in the world.

The most  important start from the shafts in both ash or maple . We must ensures that they are in matured and ready for making a stunt cue. This step is not common as not everyone can tell about which one will be the best for cue , this require a high experienced to get those shafts to  meet the qualification to obtained the final tremendous snooker cue.

One we obtained the batch of wood then we need to selected the best amount them and the rest will be rejected as the percentage to get the best one is only 30% from the total so you can see how many we have lost in the first process.

The selected ash or maple  then have to  undergone season drying ( 3-6 months) .

Then we turned down the side to round shape in different steps to make sure that the wood are completely dried entirely the whole piece then they will be ready for the nest step that is splicing.

The most straight grain pattern ash will be cut in to the require sized in order to make a butt joint or 1 single piece cue.

The splice was starting by using  an A grade African jet black ebony to created the 4 splice on it. This step is a very delicate work bec it ‘s real a hand made  job w.t  the most accurate and precision  highly required. We are really 100% hand splice not like many of the cue makers used half  way machine production  rather than  hand work for faster purposed. Our splice will be in a very good shape shown an evenly point , must be  equal in all angle as an exactly requirement…

When the shafts  was spliced  to the design then the cues are going to sanding in different 7 states resulting a very smooth surface perfect for the last finishing process.

For the butt joint cues we used the brass joint made from solid A-grade brass  with cnc machine on our production.

The original joint has engraved wording  MASTERCUE THAILAND   inside the ring surface. It is semi-quick released joint type , faster screw in and never come loose while play

Lastly the cues were treat w.t our Mastercue  oil and finally buff with the wax  into a matt finished …….

The cue then now ready for you to make a century!